All Hallows Eve
Darkness spreads like ink dripping in water,
turning the sky from blue to purple, and purple to black.
The moon’s light casts an eerie glow on the clouds
as the wind races them through the heavens.
Huddled in your house you hear the sounds,
the night is alive with the shrieks and cries of ghouls and goblins.
Monsters travel the night, towards your house,
one by one, with the plunder they’ve seized from your neighbors.
They’re coming for you now, they turn up your driveway,
a mottled band of depraved beasts.
Their little feet stomp like cloven hooves
up your front steps, and to your front door.
They pound on your door, and ring the bell,
all the while shouting their war cry.
“Trick or Treat!”